General conditions of use

The aim of the present General Conditions of Use (hereafter referred to as “GCU”) is to stipulate the contractual conditions of access, use and supply of the products and services provided by Reporters sans Frontières (RSF), known in English as Reporters Without Borders (RWB), especially those accessed through its website, oufhjezmsy.tudasnich.de. The use of any of the services offered by RWB requires full acceptance of the


The oufhjezmsy.tudasnich.de website is published by Reporters sans Frontières (Reporters Without Borders), a non-profit organization registered in France under the Law of 1901. The address of its headquarters is CS 90247, 75083 PARIS CEDEX 02. In the event of any questions, requests or complaints, you can contact the publisher by email at [email protected], by telephone at 0033 1 44 83 84 84 or by post at Reporters Without Borders, CS 90247, 75083 PARIS CEDEX 02


Christophe Deloire

Legal responsability

The oufhjezmsy.tudasnich.de site is hosted by Claranet SAS Headquartered at 18-20, rue du Faubourg du Temple 75011 Paris. The server and its data are subject to French laws.


User: The user is any person who uses the site or any of the services offered on the site.

Intellectual property

All the text, comments, works, illustrations and images reproduced or represented on the RWB website are protected worldwide by intellectual property rights, including copyright. Any total or partial reproduction or representation of the RWB site or elements thereof is strictly forbidden without RWB’s explicit prior consent. Any withdrawal or any re-use by means of permanent or temporary transfer of all or part of the content of any data on this site, by any means or in any form, is strictly forbidden. Reporters Without Borders, Reporters sans Frontières and RSF are registered trademarks and any use, reproduction or dissemination of these trademarks is strictly forbidden without RWB’s explicit prior consent.

Registration and use of personal data

If the user supports RWB’s activities, he or she can, through the oufhjezmsy.tudasnich.de site:

  • join RWB
  • make a donation
  • subscribe to the RWB newsletter,
  • known as the “newsletter de RSF” make online purchases

To do any of these things, the user provides the following information:

  • surname and first name (or pseudonym for petitions)
  • email address (confirmation is sent to a valid address, which is not made public)
  • telephone number (not compulsory)

and other information the user considers relevant payment method details for online payment or purchases (all bank transactions are secured and encrypted). RWB does not keep any of the user’s payment method details. Your personal data will not be sold or exchanged with third parties. The user can unsubscribe to the RWB newsletter at any time via a link provided by RWB.

Online purchases

The data registered by RWB constitutes proof of use of the services offered and acceptance of the relevant GCU, and proof of the transactions that have taken place. Subject to public policy regulations, RWB may at any time modify the GCU or modify, suspend or interrupt the services offered without any right of recourse on the part of the user, who undertakes to be aware of the GCU in effect at the time when he or she uses services offered. RWB cannot be held responsible for any difficulties encountered by the user in transmitting data, including in case of Internet connection problems, IT equipment problems, or an inappropriate software environment.

Online pricing

Prices are indicated in euros and normally include all taxes but not processing and shipping charges, which are specified when the order is placed. When products are delivered or services are provided outside the European Union and French Overseas Departments and Territories, the price does not include taxes, and customs duties or other local taxes or import duties of any kind must be paid solely by the user, under his or her full and entire responsibility. Prices displayed can be changed at any time by RWB without any right of recourse on the part of the user, except as regards invoices issued when orders are confirmed.

Conditions of purchase and right of return

Products remain RWB’s sole property until the price, including taxes and processing and shipping charges, has been paid in full. RWB reserves the right to refuse or cancel any order coming from a user with whom there is a payment dispute, without the user being able to demand any compensation on any grounds whatsoever. The user must inform the shipper about any special conditions as regards receipt of the product at the time of delivery, specifying these conditions on the delivery form. A non-business or non-professional user has the right to return a product within seven days of receiving it. The purchase price and shipping costs will be reimbursed, but the user is responsible for the costs of returning the product. Products must be returned in their original packing and condition so that they can be sold again as new. The user does not have the right to rescind the purchase of online services, personalized products, musical, audiovisual or video recordings, or software. Reimbursement will be made within 60 days of the date on which the right was exercised. The amount to be reimbursed will be credited to the user’s bank account, or a cheque made out in the client’s name will be sent to the shipping address.

Personal data and right to rectify

The personal data of a user required for the processing of orders and commercial transactions can be given to third parties participating in such processing. Personal data is kept for security purposes, in order to comply with legal and regulatory obligations, to allow us to transmit RWB news and information about RWB’s activities, to improve and personalize the products and services we offer, and to request funding support for RWB’s projects. Under the law of 6 January 1978, a user has the right to access, rectify and object to the personal data which relate to him/her and which is being kept by RWB. A request to exercise the right must be signed and accompanied by the photocopy of an identity document bearing the user’s signature. RWB undertakes that the collection and handling of personal data on this website is carried out in accordance with French Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on information technology, electronic files and civil liberties, known as the Law on “Informatique et Libertés.” In this regard, a declaration about the oufhjezmsy.tudasnich.de website with the number 1541821 v 0 is made to the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (CNIL). Every user who has placed information concerning him or herself on the oufhjezmsy.tudasnich.de site has the right to object to the information (under article 38 of the law), to access it (articles 39, 41 and 42 of the law) and to rectify it (article 40 of the law). To exercise this right, the user should send an email to [email protected] or a letter to RWB headquarters (CS 90247, 75083 PARIS CEDEX 02). In this email or letter, the user should give his or her name or the name of his or her company or organization, and his or her physical or electronic address. The requested data or change will be provided within a reasonable period after receipt of the request.

Limitation of liability

The services supplied by RWB comply with French law. RWB cannot be held responsible for non-compliance with laws in the country where the product is delivered or the service is provided. The user is solely responsible for complying with the legislation of the country of delivery. RWB cannot be held responsible for the performance or changes in the services it offers when they are due to the quality of the Internet connection or to technical constraints. Subject to public policy regulations, RWB cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect harm or damage, including loss of profit, clientele or data or any other loss of intangible goods, loss of earnings or any other loss or harm which may result from use of the site or the impossibility of accessing it, even if RWB has been told of the possibility of such harm or damage. The oufhjezmsy.tudasnich.de site contains hypertext links to external sites over which RWB has no control. The existence of a oufhjezmsy.tudasnich.de link to another site does not constitute approval of that site or its content. RWB cannot be held responsible for external content. RWB does not guarantee the availability of these sites and cannot be held responsible for the content distributed on these sites or for the consequences of its use by the user.

Force majeure

RWB cannot be held responsible in the event of force majeure or any circumstance beyond its control.

Applicable law and juridication

The legal regulations applicable to the website’s content and to the transmission of data to and from the website are determined by French law. In the event of any dispute that cannot be settled out of court, the courts that come under the Paris appeal court have exclusive jurisdiction. If one of more of the GCU’s clauses are held to be invalid, or are deemed to be invalid under a law or regulation or as a result of a final decision by a competent court, all the other clauses retain their full force and effect.

Privacy statement

1) General principles

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is an international NGO, which aim is to protect and promote the liberty, independence and pluralism of journalism. Its headquarters are in Paris and the association has bureaux around the world (London, Rio de Janeiro, Taipei, Tunis, Washington DC), which execute and relay its action.

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is an association of public utility constituted under the French law of 1901 (n° SIRET 343 684 221 000 41).

Reporters Without Borders’ website, as well as all the information and documents they contain, are provided by Reporters Without Borders.

If you have any questions relating to this Statement, you can contact us at: privacy(a)ikiepewlso.tudasnich.de.

Reporters Without Borders is committed to protecting the personal information of all visitors to its websites. This Privacy Statement applies to all pages of Reporters Without Borders websites.

This Privacy Statement does not apply to your use of a third-party site linked to on this website, including sites of Reporters Without Borders sections, partners or third parties. Reporters Without Borders websites may contain links to the sites and / or applications of these other parties, but they are regulated by their own privacy statement.

2) Consent

This Privacy Statement is a description of our practices and of your rights regarding your personal information. It is not a contract and it does not create any new rights or obligations beyond what the law already provides.

By using Reporters Without Borders' websites, you are agreeing to the terms of this Privacy Statement.

Reporters WIthout Borders may update this Statement. When it does, the new version will be posted on this site, and the date located at the bottom of this page will be revised.

We encourage you to periodically review this Statement so that you will be aware of Reporters Without Borders' privacy practices.

With each new use of Reporters Without Borders' websites, you submit to the new terms of use as they may have been amended.

3) Type of personal information processed

Reporters Without Borders websites collect your personal information only if you decide to provide them. For example, when you visit and/or use Reporters Without Borders' websites, when you fill out our donation forms, sign a petition, apply for membership, or make an online purchase, when you request a contact or fill out an individual support request form, when you subscribe to our newsletters or any other publication, or when you apply for a job offer within the association.

In these situations, Reporters Without Borders may collect personal information that you decide to disclose to us such as, but not limited to, your name, address, email address or telephone number.

If you make a donation, purchase or membership application, we may also collect your banking information.

4) Use and purpose of personal information processing

The type and amount of information that we collect and process depends on how you use Reporters Without Borders' websites.

Informations collected through the services available on Reporters Without Borders' websites can be used to:

  • Send you via email informative alerts, commercial information or calls for donations;
  • Send you membership cards (in the case of an application to a membership), tax receipts (in the case of an application to a membership and a donation) or counterparties;
  • Send you gifts and paper membership forms or purchase orders;
  • Send you specific information via our social networks;
  • Verify and process the information you have provided in your request for individual support form.

When you make a donation or an online purchase, apply for a membership or subscribe to any publication, sign a petition, you accept, unless you specify otherwise, to receive our newsletters.

In all cases, we use your personal information in accordance with your interests, rights and freedoms, as required by applicable laws and regulations, and to ensure that your personal information is not exposed to unnecessary risk.

5) Confidentiality

We do not rent or sell the personal information that you gave us. We do not share your personal information with third parties except if we have your permission to do so.

We may, however, disclose them if the law requires us to do so or in the following circumstances:

Between the headquarters of Reporters Without Borders and its offices

It is possible that Reporters Without Borders shares your personal information with its bureaux, which can then use them for their activities related to the mandate of Reporters Without Borders. For example, if you signed a petition for the release of a South American journalist, we may share your personal information with the Rio Reporters Without Borders office.

Hosting and processing

Reporters Without Borders' websites are hosted by third-party providers, and any personal information you submit through Reporters Without Borders' websites may be processed by these service providers. It is also possible that we use other third parties to process your personal information. For example, these third parties are likely to process applications for membership of Internet users; to treat on our behalf donations made to Reporters Without Borders; pass on information to users who have chosen to subscribe to our online actions and subscribe to our electronic updates. All these third party service providers only process your personal information for Reporters Without Borders' account and have the obligation to strictly observe the rules of confidentiality.

Payment processing and fraud

If you have submitted your credit card details to us, those details of may be disclosed to the banks concerned to make a payment. In case of suspicion of fraud, your details may be disclosed for the sole purpose of carrying out additional checks.


A cookie is a small text file that a site sends to be able to remember who you are. In principle, it contains the name of its Internet domain of origin, its lifetime and a value, usually a unique random number.

On the Reporters Without Borders website, we use session cookies. These are temporary cookies that are stored in your computer's memory and deleted when you close your browser or when you do not use the Internet for a certain amount of time (usually around 20 minutes). For example, these cookies can control automatic pop-up windows so that they do not open each time you visit a particular page: once you have viewed a page containing an automatic pop-up window, a cookie may be placed in your computer so that this window does not open next time. Reporters Without Borders does not use cookies to monitor you. You have the possibility to refuse the installation of cookie during your first visit on one of Reporters Without Borders’ website.

To prevent cookies from being downloaded or to control how they are used on your computer, refer to the help topic on your Internet browser or go to: http://www.cnil.fr/vos-droits/vos-traces/les-cookies/

Disclosure of your personal data in the circumstances described above may mean that this data is transferred outside of France and the European Union. Legislation relating to the protection of personal data in countries outside the European Union, such as the United States, is likely to be less stringent than the one enforced in the European Union.

6) Security

We take appropriate measures to ensure that the information you provide to us is current, accurate and kept in a secure place.

We do our utmost to protect your personal information and can not guarantee that the secure processing of your personal information can never be defeated.

How long we retain your personal information depends on the purpose for which it was obtained and its nature. We will keep your personal information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes described in this statement unless a longer retention period is permitted or required by law.

7) Collecting personal information of children

Our website is not intended for children under 15 years of age. We do not knowingly collect personal information from an individual under age 15. If you are under the age of 15, please do not submit any personal information through Reporters Without Borders’ websites. If you have reason to believe that we may have accidentally received personal information from an individual under age 15, please contact us immediately at privacy(a)ikiepewlso.tudasnich.de.

8) Right of access, rectification or erasure and right of restriction of processing of personal data

Under the law on the protection of personal data, you have a right of access your personal information that we hold, the right to correct this information and, in certain circumstances, the right to opt-out of the processing of your personal information.

If you wish to exercise any of these rights or if you have any questions about our privacy statement, do not hesitate to contact us: privacy(a)ikiepewlso.tudasnich.de.

Alternatively, you have the right to contact your local Data Protection Authority.

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