Malta: Intensification of pressure against The Shift after founder was awarded RSF press freedom award

In the lead to up to the second anniversary of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination where the Maltese government’s failure to deliver justice is in focus, Reporters Without Borders condemns the intensification of threats against independent news outlets and in particular the one led by a journalist who was recently awarded with RSF press freedom award for independence.

The latest report registered by press freedom watchdogs on 5 October 2019 refers to an attack from a member of the communications staff at the Office of the Prime Minister in Malta, Josef Caruana, who published posts on his social media, smearing The Shift News' investigative reporting as “fake news” and demanding an apology. The news portal stood by its story. 


It followed further attacks by three Government Ministers who appealed a magisterial decree that they should be investigated by stating the revelations were published in “a partisan news portal”, attacking its founder Caroline Muscat.


"The tactics used to whip up hate against Daphne Caruana Galizia to discredit and marginalise her continue to be repeated by those in power against all those who try to inform and establish the truth,” says Pauline Adès-Mével, the head of the EU-Balkan desk of Reporters Without Borders  (RSF).

A Maltese judge, Giovanni Grixti, blocked an investigation into the actions of the three Ministers in the deal amid controversy, even stating that investigations by the press were insufficient evidence for an inquiry. The Judge defined the findings of press investigations as a “collection of opinions by journalists and bloggers who chose to join forces to expose as fact that the four suspects had devised a plan to award the hospitals’ contract to VGH, in order to benefit those involved in the deal”.

 "The Maltese government must understand the role of the press is not a concession granted to those who favour it, but a right upheld in any real democracy for journalists to hold power to account," Mével-Adès added. 

The Council of Europe’s Special Rapporteur has stressed that an independent and impartial public inquiry was essential to stem the tide. He expressed doubts on whether the terms of reference and the members of the Board of Inquiry chosen by the Prime Minister could achieve justice. 

More than 30 threats to national and international media workers in Malta have been reported in Malta to press freedom watchdogs, the bulk being against investigative online news portal The Shift whose founder Caroline Muscat was awarded the Reporters Without Borders press freedom award for independence because she refuses to back down in the face of heavy pressure. 

Malta is ranked 77th out of 180 countries in RSF’s 2019 World Press Freedom Index, after falling 30 places over the past two years.

Reporters Without Borders will be launching a report ‘Justice Delayed: The Assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia and Malta’s Deteriorating Press Freedom Climate’ in Valletta, Malta on 15th October at 11:30am at the University of Malta’s Valletta Campus.


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Updated on 13.10.2019