Finance and supports

Financial transparency

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is a non-profit organization / association recognized as being of public utility since 1995 under the Law of 1901.
Our actions are based on transparent and ethical funding. We act independently. No political tendency, economic interest or religious belief guides the action of RSF. Each year our accounts are certified by an independant auditor and published in the Journal Officiel.

Our financing is based, in a balanced manner, on:

    • the generosity of the public and our members (donations, memberships, legacies, donations)
    • French and international public subsidies
    • private sponsorships
    • RSF albums sale

Origin and funds distribution

Budget 2022

Assignment by type of financial sources  


Assignment  by type of expenditure 



Our ethical principles

The ethical principles that govern our funding policy are available in two reference documents:

  • our ethics charter
  • our funding charter

These reference documents indicate RSF's line of conduct, the objective of which is to preserve the organization's independence, to be intransigent with regard to corruption, and to fight against any form of conflict of interest.

Our commitment to transparency

We act in a spirit of openness and transparency regarding our mandate, our structure, our activities and our results. Our action is in accordance with legislation on association law. Extra care is taken to guarantee a relationship of trust with our supporters and partners.

Strong guarantees

We are committed to the principles of strong financial management, by carrying out specific financial audits each year on the most significant public funding (Cabinet Donnadieu & Associates). RSF accounts are reviewed by an accounting firm (Baker Tilly SOFIDEEC), certified by an independant auditor (Deloitte) and published in the Official Journal.

View activity reports

These documents, submitted for the approval of the General Assembly, provide an overview of RSF's activity throughout the world over the past year. They detail the nature and origin of its funding and income. The reports are accessible to everyone: members, partners, regulatory authorities or simple observers.

Consult our latest activity reports and the auditor's reports at the end of this page.

Supporters and sponsors

Institutions, communities, foundations or private actors: many organizations make sustainable financial contributions to Reporters Without Borders’ work to defend and promote freedom of information.

For more information about sponsorship, contact:

Juliette Simon: jsimon(@)

Partner Companies

In thirty-five years of existence, RSF has been able to build a solid and eclectic network of partners, covering a wide scope of activities. From the offer of advertising space to the provision of cameras, via preferential rates on VPN access… the contribution of our partners to RSF’s activity takes various forms.

Partner companies are involved, among other things, in marketing actions, special operations or events. Partnerships are strictly governed by agreements between the parties.

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