Free Narges Coalition calls for the urgent release of Narges Mohammadi ahead of Iran’s address at the United Nations

Ahead of the gathering of heads of state from around the world at the UN headquarters in New York from 24-30 September for the high-level General Debate of the 79th UN General Assembly, the Free Narges Coalition calls for the immediate and unconditional release of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Narges Mohammadi, whose health has significantly deteriorated in recent months in Iran’s Evin Prison.
Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian is set to address the UN General Assembly for the first time on 24 September, at a time when his government is under greater international scrutiny than ever for its gross and systematic human rights abuses. The repeated convictions and pressures imposed on Mohammadi by the security-judicial apparatus reflect the dire conditions faced by the country’s many political prisoners, among them scores of human rights defenders and journalists. She has emerged as an emblematic example of Iran’s disregard for its obligations as a UN Member State — a situation that the international community must swiftly and seriously address.
A medical report issued on 16 September highlighted a number of worrying developments. Her angiography revealed that the main artery of her heart, which had been stented in 2021 due to a 75% blockage, has again developed a serious complication. Despite repeated requests from her specialist for another angiography, including two requests in the past two weeks, and formal submissions to prison authorities, she has not yet been transferred to a hospital. During a recent medical examination, the discovery of a benign lump in Mohammadi’s right breast is also cause for concern and needs consistent monitoring. She also suffers from worsening and severe back pain, but approved sessions of physical therapy and chiropractic care have not been provided.
Additionally, Mohammadi’s contact with her family and legal counsel continues to be restricted. Her meetings with her lawyer have been denied for many months due to her refusal to wear a headscarf, and she has effectively been cut off from phone contact with her family since 29 November 2023.
“The latest reports on Narges Mohammadi’s health are alarming, showing a steady decline in her health in detention, which shows no signs of abating. We continue to call for Mohammadi’s full and unconditional release, but as an immediate measure, her release to medical furlough for humanitarian reasons is vital. We call on UN Member States to raise these concerns in their relations with the government of Iran as an urgent priority, seeking a firm commitment for Mohammadi’s release before President Pezeshkian’s UN address. This much-needed diplomatic intervention could effectively save her life.”
Narges Mohammadi is a woman human rights defender, journalist, author, and formerly deputy director and spokesperson of the Defenders of Human Rights Centre (DHRC) in Iran. Mohammadi has spent more than 10 years of her life in prison, with her current period of detention starting in November 2021. She is currently serving sentences totalling 14 years and two months in prison, on charges including committing “propaganda activity against the state” and “collusion against state security.” She is the recipient of numerous international awards for her tireless struggle for human rights, including the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize, the 2023 UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize, the 2023 PEN/Barbey Freedom to Write Award, and the 2022 Reporters Without Borders Prize for Courage.
This statement is issued by the Free Narges Coalition steering committee, and does not necessarily reflect the position of all Coalition members. The steering committee is led by the Narges Foundation, PEN America, Reporters Without Borders (RSF), and Front Line Defenders.
For more information, to get involved, or to support the campaign, please visit the campaign homepage, or contact the steering committee members via [email protected] at the Narges Foundation; Karin Deutsch Karlekar at PEN America at [email protected]; Rebecca Vincent at Reporters Without Borders (RSF) at [email protected]; or [email protected] at Front Line Defenders. Join us in calling for the immediate and unconditional release of Narges Mohammadi. #FreeNarges!