Best of Blogs 2011 – vote for your favourite blog!

From now until 11 April, Internet users can vote for their favourite blog by going to this address,, and taking part in the Best of Blogs (BOBs) competition which the German public radio station Deutsche Welle is holding for the seventh year running. The contest
The BOBs are awarded to journalistic blogs. This year, there are a total of 187 finalists in eleven languages and six categories including Best Blog, Best Video Channel, Best Use of Technology for Social Good, Special Topic Award Human Rights and (this year for the first time) Best Social Activism Campaign. Reporters Without Borders is a partner in the competition and the Reporters Without Borders Award for blogs defending freedom of expression is one of the six categories. A Reporters Without Borders representative is also on the jury. Timetable
The jury chose eleven finalists in each of the six categories and eleven languages (Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, English, Farsi, French, German, Indonesian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish) from the blogs that the public began nominating in February. Voting on the finalists was opened to the public on 22 March and will continue until 11 April. The winners will be announced on 12 April. Two prizes will be awarded in each category and language, one to the public’s choice and one to the jury’s choice. The winners in the six main categories will be invited to the Global Media Forum in Bonn on 20 June.
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Updated on 25.01.2016